Akshay Kumar’s latest release, Sky Force, has soared high at the box office, cementing itself as his biggest opening since the 2021 blockbuster Sooryavanshi, which minted over Rs 50 crore in 2 days. The aviation drama has garnered Rs 33.85 crore in just two days, and is set to cross the Rs 50 crore milestone on Republic Day, showcasing Kumar’s enduring star power.
Sky Force is inspired by India’s historic retaliation against Pakistan’s airbase at Sargodha during the 1965 Indo-Pak war. This critical chapter in history saw the Indian and Pakistani Air Forces engage in direct confrontation. On September 6, 1965, Pakistani forces launched an attack on Indian airbases at Pathankot and Halwara. In a bold and immediate response, the Indian Air Force struck back the following day, targeting the heavily fortified Sargodha airbase.
At the time, Sargodha was regarded as one of the most secure military installations in Asia. Despite this, Indian pilots carried out a daring and successful attack, inflicting significant damage on Pakistan’s strongest air defense base. The story of this operation is particularly poignant, as it includes the only instance in Indian Air Force history where the Maha Vir Chakra was awarded posthumously to a fighter pilot Sq. Ldr. Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya played by newcomer Veer Pahariya.
The film’s stellar performance stands in stark contrast to some of Kumar’s recent releases, many of which opened to tepid numbers. For comparison, in 2 days Khel Khel Mein started with Rs 7.10 crore, Sarfira earned Rs 6.75 crore, and Selfiee managed onlyRs ₹6.35 crore. Even mid-range successes like OMG 2 (Rs 25.56 crore) and Ram Setu (Rs 26.65 crore) fell short of Sky Force’s opening momentum.
Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan debuted with Rs 14.6 crore, Samrat Prithviraj with Rs 23.3 crore, and Bachchan Panday with Rs 25.25 crore and, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan minted Rs 23.25 crore, despite being an Eid release.
Sky Force benefits from its patriotic theme, making it a perfect release for the Republic Day weekend. The film’s gripping narrative, combined with Akshay Kumar’s charismatic performance, has struck a chord with audiences. With Sky Force, Akshay Kumar has proven yet again why he remains one of Bollywood’s most bankable stars.