Saif Ali Khan returned home on Tuesday, smiling after being discharged from Lilavati Hospital. The actor had been stabbed six times during a break-in at his home on January 15, which raised concerns about security. In response, Saif has reportedly decided to hire Ronit Roy’s security firm to ensure better protection.
A source told ETimes, “Ronit Roy, who has been running a security agency for years, is indeed protecting Khan. In fact, the actor also requested the media and there was a chance of Saif reacting but it was chaotic.” However when contacted Roy, he refused to comment on the same.
Roy also reportedly told Hindustan Times that he and his team are already with Saif. He reassured that Saif is doing well and has returned home after his hospital discharge.Saif was seen dressed in white shirt and blue jeans as he returned to his Bandra home after getting discharged from Lilavati hospital. The actor even stopped and waved at the paparazzi before heading inside.
Saif Ali Khan was discharged from the hospital after a five-day stay, during which numerous industry figures visited him. His wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, expressed frustration over the paparazzi still photographing their home after the incident, later removing the Instagram post. The accused, arrested by Mumbai Police, was taken to Khan’s residence for a crime scene reenactment.