Not many are aware that there are more reasons for ‘Dil Se‘ to be memorable, than just the film’s brilliance and the performances of the lead actors along with AR Rahman‘s music. The Shah Rukh Khan, Manisha Koirala, Preity Zinta starrer had seen three genius directors – Mani Ratnam, Ram Gopal Varma and Shekhar Kapur come together as producers. All three decided to produce the movie and start a collaboration because the corporate studios were just beginning to come in at that point in time. During a recent chat with ETimes, Ram Gopal Varma broke silence on this and told us why this collaboration did not work out.
He said, “It was Shekhar’s idea because the corporates were slowly coming in to do it and theoretically it sounded good to me. But then once we announced that thing for Dil Se, I slowly started realizing it’s not going to work. And I was the guy who actually broke it. I said, Shekhar makes one film in six years. Mani makes one film in two years and I make three films in one year. The math doesn’t work.
RGV revealed further, “Second thing is, Shekhar wanted to make a film with some director. (11:00) Which me and Mani didn’t like. So we were backbiting. We were bitching about Shekhar. Then I said, first of all, we don’t need each other, and we’re all two, three strong minded, independent minded. How can three people make one film? So it’s going to just break our friendship if we go ahead and continue. But since we already announced, we let it go with Dil Se.”
Varma also made a major confession and said, “Creatively or financially, we were not involved at all in Dil Se. Shekhar and me also saw the film along with the audience,” he laughed.