Ram Charan and Kiara Advani‘s much anticipated ‘Game Changer‘ released in cinemas during Makar Sankranti. The film directed by S Shanker had a good opening of around Rs 51 crore in all languages combined but it started seeing a drop slowly. It has not managed to leave a mark as strong as Ram Charan’s last film ‘RRR’ did. This was Ram Charan’s solo relaase after a while and hence expectations were high.
‘Game Changer’ collected Rs 117.65 crore by the end of its first week and did see some growth over its second weekend. It made Rs ₹ 2.6 crore on second Sunday, of which Rs 1.86 crore came from Telugu version, Rs 13 lakh came from the Tamil version and Rs 6 lakh from the Hindi version. On Monday, there was a drop as compared to Sunday. On Day 11, which is Monday, the movie made Rs 96 lakhs. Thus, the total collection of ‘Game Changer’ now stands at 126.36 crore in all languages, in India, according to Sacnilk.
Meanwhile, in North America, within 2 days of its release, Game Changer with its huge premiere day and first day collection, had crossed US $ 1.5 million mark, but it took the film another 7 days to break the US $ 2 million, which it finally did late Friday night . Going by the current trends its lifetime collection will limit itself ot US $ 2.2 million, thus recording a loss of at least 50 %.
However, over the weekend, the movie did much better than the two new Hindi releases ‘Azaad’ and ‘Emergency’. While ‘Azaad’ made around Rs 5 crore over the weekend including the Monday numbers, Kangana’s film made Rs 11.35 crore in 4 days.
Meanwhile, Game Changer also did better than ‘Pushpa 2‘ which has now begun to see a drop in numbers as it nears its lifetime run at the box office.