Kareena Kapoor and her family have been giving regular health updates about Saif Ali Khan since he was attacked at their home on January 16. Earlier, the actress had asked for privacy in a statement, requesting space for the family to cope with the difficult situation.
Despite the request for privacy, paparazzi and media have been frequently visiting their home, Satguru Sharan, and Lilavati Hospital to capture moments of the family. One particular video caught the attention of Kareena, leading her to issue a strong warning and make another plea for privacy.
Check out the post here:
She took to her Instagram account to share a story condemning the media scrutiny of her family. The family reshared the video online and wrote in the caption, “Stop this now. Have a heart. Leave us alone, for God’s sake.” Her request has now gone viral online. The video showed new toys being brought into their Satguru Sharan apartment.
Bebo and her family have had a challenging few days as Saif Ali Khan recovers at Lilavati Hospital. Media and paparazzi have been stationed outside their home and the hospital to update social media followers.
Saif is still recovering after being stabbed multiple times during an alleged burglary attempt at his Bandra home. Dr Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital provided a health update on Monday, stating that the actor would remain under observation for another day, with a discharge decision expected in the next one to two days.