For days now Ram Charan’s ‘Game Changer’ has seen a dip in the business. Just like its name, when the movie initially made it to the theatres, everyone thought it would change the box office game of 2025, as it minted a whopping Rs.51 crore. However, that opening day magic didn’t happen again, but after 10 days of theatrical run, ‘Game Changer’ collected Rs.125.30 crore in India net.
According to Sacnilk’s latest report, the movie earned only Rs.2.50 crore (early estimates) on its second Sunday, a slight improvement from the Saturday collection of Rs.2.4 crore.
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After the first week, the movie has been struggling to reach the Rs. 3 crore mark at the box office. On Friday, which was its day 8, the film minted Rs.2.75 crore, and everything thought that this was the lowest the Ram Charan starrer could go. However, the following day, i.e. on Saturday with Rs. 2.4 crore, the movie took a major hit. Now according to the early estimates, one can see a tiny ray of hope.
Net collection of ‘Game Changer’ in India
Day 1 [1st Friday]: Rs. 51 Cr
Day 2 [1st Saturday]: Rs. 21.6 Cr
Day 3 [1st Sunday]: Rs. 15.9 Cr
Day 4 [1st Monday]: Rs. 7.65 Cr
Day 5 [1st Tuesday]: Rs. 10 Cr
Day 6 [1st Wednesday]: Rs.7 Cr
Day 7 [1st Thursday]: Rs.4.5 Cr
Week 1 Collection: Rs. 117.65 Cr
Day 8 [2nd Friday]: Rs. 2.65 Cr
Day 9: [2nd Saturday]: Rs. 2.4 Cr
Day 10 [2nd Sunday]: Rs. 2.50 Cr (early estimates)
Total: Rs. 125.30 Cr
Further, it is worth noting that despite the slight increase in business, the movie couldn’t claim back its throne at the box office, which currently the ‘Queen’ Kangana Ranaut is enjoying. Her latest release, Emergency, outperformed Game Changer on Sunday with a business of Rs.4.35 crore.
Now if we talk about the movie review. ETimes showered the political drama with 3 stars out of 5.
“The highly anticipated film Game Changer, directed by Shankar and featuring Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, and Anjali alongside SJ Suryah and Srikanth in pivotal roles, is a political action drama that delves into the murky waters of corruption within the Indian political system. Shankar, renowned for his grand storytelling, makes his Telugu directorial debut with Game Changer. His signature style is evident in the film’s lavish production and narrative structure. The story, penned by Karthik Subbaraj, weaves together action, drama, and social commentary, though it occasionally leans heavily on familiar tropes,” reads our review.