The Mumbai Police on Sunday arrested the man accused of stabbing Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. The accused, initially identified as Bijoy Das, later revealed his real name to be Mohammad Sajjad, according to police reports. He was apprehended in Thane three days after the attack during a combing operation, as confirmed by ANI.
According to the latest developments as per ANI, the accused’s advocate, Sandeep Shekhane, has raised questions about the investigation. “The court has granted police custody for 5 days and directed them to submit a report within this period. The police have no evidence to prove he is a Bangladeshi. Their claim that he came here 6 months ago is incorrect; he has been living in Mumbai for over 7 years, and his family is based here.” He further alleged a violation of Section 43A, saying, “The investigation has not been conducted properly.”
The Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), involved in the operation, shared that the accused was found hiding under dried grass and leaves deep inside bushes. “The accused initially worked here, so he was aware of the location and found it safe to hole up,” a senior officer explained during a media briefing. Following his arrest, Sajjad was transported to Mumbai for further investigation.
A CCTV image that surfaced less than 24 hours after the incident captured the attacker fleeing the staircase of Saif Ali Khan’s apartment complex. The actor sustained multiple stab wounds during the attack, leading to widespread shock and concern among fans and the film fraternity.
Several prominent personalities have reacted to the shocking incident. Recently Shatrughan Sinha shared a Tweet with an AI image of Kareena sitting beside Saif Ali Khan in the hospital. The Tweet read, “Very sad & unfortunate the tragic attack on our near, dear & loved #SaifAliKhan which injured him severely. Thank God he is healing well to recovery. Profound regards to my all time favorite ‘show man’ filmmaker #RajKapoor’s granddaughter #KareenaKapoorKhan & the family. One humble appeal please stop the ‘blame game’, police are doing their job well. We certainly appreciate our CM & HM, Maharashtra @Dev_Fadnavis for his concern & remedial measures. Let’s not complicate the matter further. The matter will be solved soon, sooner the better. Thanks to Depty CMs @AjitPawarSpeaks & our friend @mieknathshinde for their kind words, extreme care & efforts. After all Saif is one of the most brilliant star/actor & also both a Padmashri & National Award winner. Law will take it’s own course as things are moving in the right direction. Get well soon.”