The search for the individual responsible for the shocking stabbing incident involving Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has taken a new turn. Authorities in Durg district, Madhya Pradesh, have detained a suspect believed to be connected to the attack… The breakthrough came when someone on a train noticed someone who closely resembled the intruder and promptly alerted the authorities. The suspect has been therefore brought to the police station for further questioning.
Earlier, police had mistakenly apprehended another individual, later releasing him after confirming he was not the perpetrator. The hunt for the actual attacker continues, with Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis assuring Mumbai citizens that the culprit will be brought to justice soon.
The harrowing events unfolded on the night of January 16 at Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra residence, plunging the Pataudi family into a state of fear and turmoil. During what appeared to be an attempted robbery, Saif was attacked and sustained six stab injuries. Kareena Kapoor Khan, who was present during the ordeal, provided a statement to the police on Friday, shedding light on the terrifying sequence of events.
Kareena revealed that the intruder was highly aggressive and engaged in a violent scuffle that left Saif injured. Interestingly, despite the brutality of the attack, the assailant did not steal anything from the house. Even valuable jewelry left in plain sight remained untouched, adding an element of mystery to the motive behind the attack.
Amid the chaos, the family managed to move to the safety of the 12th floor of their duplex. The incident left Kareena Kapoor Khan deeply shaken. Seeking solace, her sister Karisma Kapoor promptly came to her aid, taking Kareena to her Khar residence for support.
Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan, who was initially admitted to the ICU, is now recovering in a regular hospital room. According to hospital administration, the actor is doing well and on the path to recovery.
The investigation into the case continues, with the police leaving no stone unturned to apprehend the attacker and bring closure to this distressing episode.