Disney’s live-action prequel, Mufasa: The Lion King, featuring Shah Rukh Khan as the voice of Mufasa in the Hindi version, has been enjoying its run at the Indian box office. The film which is nearing the end of its run in theatres, saw minimal growth on Tuesday.
According to a report on sacnilk.com, the film earned an estimated Rs 75 lakh on Day 26, which was a slight upshift from Monday’s collections of just around Rs 45 lakh. The film had a promising start, collecting Rs 66.15 crore in its opening week. However, its momentum slowed considerably in the following weeks, earning around Rs 45.9 crore in Week 2, Rs 15.6 crore in Week 3 and earned an estimated Rs 5 crore thus fan in its fourth week at the box office.
This brings the total Indian box office collection to approximately Rs 132.65 crore.With only a few weeks left in its theatrical run, it remains uncertain whether the film can cross the Rs 150 crore milestone, a mark that would help it surpass the 2019 live-action remake of The Lion King at the Indian box office.
While domestic collections have been moderate, ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’ has been a massive success globally, crossing the $500 million mark at the worldwide box office.
The film is set to continue its journey in the digital space. Reports suggest that the movie will be available for purchase or rental on digital platforms starting February 2025. It is expected to stream on Disney+ by March or April 2025, allowing fans to revisit the story of Simba’s iconic father and his rise to greatness.