Boney Kapoor often expresses his deep love and admiration for his late wife, the legendary actress Sridevi, through social media. On January 12, he shared a heartwarming throwback photo of the couple, highlighting Sridevi‘s timeless elegance. In the picture, they are seen staring at each other, and Kapoor captioned it, “True love cannot be hidden,” a photo that reveals how much he misses her every day.
In the photo, Boney and his late wife Sridevi gazing at each other with eyes filled with infinite love and affection. This heartfelt post recalls his endless affection for Sridevi, who remains a significant presence in his life.
During an interview with News18, he fondly reflected on Sridevi’s impact on his life, particularly her commitment to fitness. He noted that her dedication to a healthy lifestyle sparked his own weight loss journey. Kapoor reminisced about how Sridevi, always mindful of her health, encouraged him to shed pounds and follow a disciplined routine, which he found difficult to maintain. He humorously recalled accompanying her on walks and to the gym.
Even after Sridevi’s untimely passing in February 2018, Boney senses her presence in his life. He shared that her memory continues to inspire him to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Kapoor noted that both her advice and his doctor’s recommendation to lose weight for health reasons were pivotal in his weight loss journey, which has greatly improved his overall well-being.
Boney and Sridevi’s love story started with their marriage on June 2, 1996. They went on to have two daughters: Janhvi Kapoor, born in 1997, and Khushi Kapoor, born in 2000.