For Bollywood, the year 2024 ended with Varun Dhawan’s Baby John- the Hindi remake of Thalapathy Vijay’s 2016 blockbuster film Theri. The film carried a lot of expectations from the time it was announced, but by the time the film hit the theaters, it ran out of steam. And it was witnessed when the film opened to just Rs 11.25 crore on its first day which was on Christmas. And since then, the film has never been able to break the opening day numbers , in fact the numbers kept on dropping on a daily basis with minor spikes during weekends.
In the first extended weekend, the film managed to earn Rs 36.4 crore, and in the second weekend, it added Rs 2.94 crore. In the third weekend, the film collected its lowest collection with Friday reaching just Rs 3 lakh and Saturday standing at Rs 5 lakh as per Sacnilk, thus taking the overall collection to Rs 39.42 lakh. At this point it doesn’t look possible for the film to cross even Rs 40 crore mark, thus making it the lowest grossing film of Varun’s career. His film October with Shoojit Sircar had also minted Rs 45 crore before folding its theatrical run.
Varun would soon want to forget the film and move to his next project. He has already started work on Border 2 which will see him teaming up with Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh and Ahan Shetty,he was spotted at the airport in a new look heading towards the shoot location. He also returns to his favourite romantic comedy genre with Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari with Shashank Khaitan and Janhvi Kapoor, and will also be starting No Entry 2 with Arjun Kapoor and Diljit Dosanjh.