Nana Patekar shared a touching story about Dilip Kumar in an interview, recalling a rainy evening that became memorable. He spoke about how Dilip Kumar not only celebrated his success for Krantiveer, but also showed kindness by wiping his wet hair and offering him his kurta, reflecting the actor’s warmth and humility.
In an interview with The Lallantop, Nana fondly recalled a visit to Dilip Kumar’s house after receiving the Best Actor award for Krantiveer. He arrived drenched in rain, and Dilip Kumar immediately showed kindness, bringing a towel to dry his head and even offering him his own kurta to wear. This gesture deeply touched Nana, showcasing Dilip Kumar’s humility and warmth.
Nana Patekar’s performance in Krantiveer (1999) earned widespread acclaim for his portrayal of a man fighting injustice and corruption. His deep emotional connection to the character and powerful performance made the film a defining moment in his career, leaving a lasting impression on audiences. Krantiveer remains one of his most memorable works.
Meanwhile, in recent interview with Siddharth Kanan, Nana revealed that if he had not pursued a career in acting, he would have likely been involved in the underworld. The veteran actor admitted that acting was his way out of a difficult path and that he has often felt connected to the underworld world due to his background.