Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan have done many movies together – ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’ and ‘Kuch Kuch Hota hai’ being the most memorable ones. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, directed by Karan Johar also starred Rani Mukerji and is still loved for its moments, songs, story and more. The film had released in 1998 and did you know that Kajol had fallen off the bicycle while shooting for the song ‘Yeh Ladka Hai Deewana’ with Shah Rukh Khan?
Kajol had shared a video riding the bicycle where she had just fallen off. The actress had suffered a short term memory loss and remembered nobody else or her surroundings. She only remembered her then-boyfriend Ajay Devgn. Ajay and Kajol were dating that time and later, they tied the knot in 1999. Thus, Karan Johar had to immediately call Ajay on the set as she only remembered him.
In an interview in 2018, Shah Rukh Khan also revealed that Kajol experienced short-term amnesia after an incident on the set where she fell and injured herself.
Thankfully, the actress soon regained her memory. As Kajol had shared this bicycle video, Karan Johar commented, “Oh god! I remember this so clearly! And can’t forget what happened after.”
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai was Karan’s directorial debut and also had a cameo from Salman Khan.