Naga Chaitanya was seen attending the grand trailer launch event of his upcoming movie Thandel in Vizag today (January 31). During the event, producer Allu Arvind made an unmissable revelation about Chay’s wife, actress Sobhita Dhulipala.
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Naga Chaitanya has been growing his hair and beard for his Thandel look for over two years, and Allu Arvind revealed Sobhita’s query to him when he attended their wedding to bless them last month. Allu Arvind said, “His wife asked me, ‘Sir, when are you going to show me my husband’s face?’ I told her, ‘The day after the release.’”
Earlier, in a conversation with Hindustan Times, Chay spoke about his life with his wife, Sobhita. He described his married life as great. “I think we both invest equally in work and away from work, so we have that work-life balance very much intact. I think that’s one of the qualities we both really connected on as well,” he added.
Chaitanya further shared insights into his bond with Sobhita, highlighting their commonalities. He mentioned that both hail from Andhra Pradesh and that he has a deep fondness for her hometown, Vizag. While their family roots share similarities, their upbringing differed as they were raised in different parts of the same city. However, their shared passion for cinema and curiosity about life have played a key role in bringing them together and strengthening their connection.
Thandel, directed by Chandoo Mondeti, will hit theatres on February 7, and the trailer launch event was graced by Bollywood star Aamir Khan.