Aaishvary Thackeray, grandson of late Balasaheb Thackeray, is set to make his Bollywood debut with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap. He began his career as an assistant director on ‘Bajirao Mastani‘ in 2015. The shoot for his debut film has wrapped after 69 days in Lucknow, and further details about the project are awaited.
According to a report from India Today, a source close to the project revealed that Anurag Kashyap’s film with Aaishvary Thackeray is frequently discussed in every meeting. The film has become one of the most talked-about projects among production houses across the industry.
Aaishvary has a high-profile background but keeps a low public profile. He is the son of Smita and Jaidev Thackeray and the grandson of Balasaheb Thackeray, the founder of Shiv Sena. His uncle, Uddhav Thackeray, was the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.
Balasaheb Thackeray was a prominent Indian politician who founded the Shiv Sena, a right-wing party advocating for Marathi and Hindu nationalism. He began his career as a cartoonist before launching the political weekly ‘Marmik’. Thackeray’s leadership focused on protecting the rights of Marathi speakers in Mumbai, often using aggressive tactics. He remained a controversial figure in Maharashtra politics until his death on November 17, 2012.
Aaishvary Thackeray, grandson of Balasaheb Thackeray, set to make Bollywood debut with Anurag Kashyap | Hindi Movie News