Alia Bhatt, along with several other Bollywood stars, recently attended the 25th anniversary celebration of famous designer Sabyasachi. Ananya Panday took a beautiful photo with Alia and called her her “forever fave girl.”
Check out the post here:
How Do You Feel About Ananya and Alia’s Appearance at Sabyasachi’s Gala?
Fashion stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania, who was also at the event, posted a picture of Alia Bhatt and Ananya Panday on her Instagram Stories. Ananya shared it on her own Stories, where she and Alia, dressed in black, posed with their arms around each other. Ananya captioned it, “Forever fav girl @aliaabhatt (red heart emoji) kisses to mama @anaitashroffadajania.”
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt penned a heartfelt note for Sabyasachi as he completed a special milestone. She wrote, “25 years of crafting dreams, preserving heritage, and redefining excellence. To me Sabya, you are more than a designer—you’re a visionary and a storyteller.”
She added, ““I’ve been privileged to wear your creations over the years, from global red carpets to personal milestones (wedding memories I’ll cherish forever). Your work isn’t just fashion—it’s art, blending tradition and innovation with unmatched finesse.”
Alia Bhatt has been a frequent muse for designer Sabyasachi, including for her wedding with Ranbir Kapoor, the 2024 Met Gala, and several other occasions.