Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna recently attended a promotional event in Hyderabad for their upcoming film Chhaava, where they launched the song Jaane Tu. Despite Rashmika’s leg injury, the duo’s heartwarming camaraderie stole the show, delighting fans.
In several videos shared on social media, Vicky was seen wheeling Rashmika into the venue, where they were welcomed by dhol players. The actress couldn’t stop smiling as her co-star stayed by her side, even kneeling beside her for photographs. Rashmika looked radiant in a red and orange kurta set, complementing Vicky’s stylish plum kurta.
One viral video particularly won over fans, capturing Rashmika performing an aarti for Vicky on stage while he folded his hands in respect. The wholesome exchange left social media buzzing with admiration for their chemistry.
Later, Rashmika took to Instagram to praise Vicky’s dynamic energy as ‘Raaje’. She wrote, “महराज।🙏 भोसले परिवार का हर पुरुष पहाड़ी तूफान है। You as Vicky Kaushal and as Raaje are most definitely a toofan. 🙏🏻🤗 You truly have a way of making all of us feel very special. It was so lovely to have you in Hyderabad.. and next time please do allow me to host you properly. 😁🤗 I am so sorry I am not in my best capacity to run around supporting you with the promotions but i promise you I will do my best.”
Earlier this month, Rashmika revealed on Instagram that she had sustained a gym-related injury, sharing a photo of her leg in a cast. “Well… happy New Year to me, I guess! Injured myself in my sacred gym shrine,” she wrote humorously, adding that she’s now in “hop mode” and is determined to return to sets soon. She also playfully apologized to directors for any delays in her shooting schedule, saying, “I’ll be back soon enough—just making sure my legs are fit for action or at least fit for hopping.”
Directed by Laxman Utekar, Chhaava is set to release in theatres on February 14, promising an exciting cinematic treat for fans.