Preity Zinta, the stunning actress who redefined Bollywood heroines with her fearless choices, turned 50 on January 31. Known for her bubbly personality, dimpled smile, and the signature ‘ting’ in her Instagram posts, Preity has carved a niche beyond conventional roles, taking on characters that pushed boundaries.
From a teenage single mother in Kya Kehna to a war journalist in Lakshya, she never shied away from challenging roles. But one of her most gripping performances was as rookie CBI officer Reet Oberoi in Sangharsh (1999), where she joined hands with a hardened criminal (Akshay Kumar) to catch a terrifying serial killer (Ashutosh Rana).
Director Tanuja Chandra, who helmed the psychological thriller, reminisced about working with Preity. “She was natural, vulnerable, and adorable in *Dil Se.. the first film of hers I watched. Seeing someone like her in a dark, serious film was an exciting prospect,” she shared with
Though Preity was relatively new in the industry at the time, Tanuja followed her instinct and cast her in Sangharsh. The decision turned out to be perfect, especially after discovering that Preity held a degree in criminal psychology, which helped her understand her character and Akshay Kumar’s layered role.
Tanuja also recalled how Preity faced one of the most terrifying aspects of the film, Ashutosh Rana’s eerie ‘ullu’ cry as the menacing villain Lajja Shankar Pandey. “That cry was one of the scariest parts of the film. Preity’s reaction to it was real; she let it shake her nerves, and that’s exactly what I wanted,” the director said.
The shoot was intense, from battling crowds in Mumbai’s Bhendi Bazaar to physically demanding scenes. But Preity remained tireless, always ready for another take. “She never complained. My mantra on set was ‘Feel… feel,’ and Preity would respond, ‘Feeling… feeling,’” Tanuja recalled fondly.
Director Tanuja Chandra recalls Preity Zinta’s ‘natural and vulnerable’ charm in ‘Sangharsh’: ‘Her reaction to Ashutosh Rana’s cry was real | Hindi Movie News
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