A while ago, Priyanka Chopra had opened up on a podcast on how she was sidelined in Bollywood and that’s what made her leave the industry and look for work in Hollywood. The actress had said, “I had people not casting me, I had beef with people, I am not good at playing that game, so I kind of was tired of the politics, and I said I needed a break.” Just as Priyanka broke her silence on this, Shekhar Suman had lauded her and come out in her support.
Suman had also spoken about the dark side of the industry, thus adding that Sushant Singh Rajput was also a victim of it. Shekar said, “Priyanka Chopra’s sensational revelation has not come as a shocker. It is well known the way the cabal within the film industry functions. It will oppress, suppress, and persecute you till you are finished. It happened with SSR.”
He further appreciated her for carving her niche in Hollywood and said, “It will happen to others too. That’s the way the cookie crumbles in the industry. Take it or leave it. And Priyanka decided to leave. And thank God she did. For now, we have a true-blue global icon representing India in Hollywood. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining.”
Shekhar revealed that there were people who also tried their best to remove him and his son Adhyayan from projects. He said, “I know of at least 4 people in the industry who have ganged up to have me and Adhyayan removed from many projects. I know it for sure. These ‘gangsters’ have a lot of clout and they are more dangerous than a rattlesnake. But the truth is they can create hurdles but they cannot stop us.”
Suman was last seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Heeramandi’.
When Shekhar Suman lauded Priyanka Chopra for speaking about being sidelined in Bollywood: ‘It happened with Sushant Singh Rajput too…’ | Hindi Movie News