Filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, who is widely recognized for creating the iconic ‘Prem’ character portrayed by Salman Khan, is set to collaborate with the actor once again on a new project. However, this time, Barjatya promises a fresh take, one that departs from their previous films, offering a more mature and refined love story. This announcement has sparked great excitement among fans, who are eagerly anticipating the reunion of this celebrated director-actor duo.
In a recent interview, Sooraj Barjatya shared insights about his new project, discussing his decision to venture into the OTT space with ‘Bada Naam Karenge‘ and his approach to working in the digital medium. While speaking with Hindustan Times, he also revealed that the much-awaited collaboration with Salman Khan is in progress, though it will take more time to develop. Barjatya explained that the concept of age is something that needs to be acknowledged in their upcoming project, which is why he is taking extra care in crafting a new version of the ‘Prem’ character.
The filmmaker elaborated that, given their current age, it would not be appropriate to continue with the same portrayal of ‘Prem’ from their earlier films. Instead, he is working on a new version that aligns with Salman’s age while preserving the character’s core attributes—joy, playfulness, and family-oriented values. Barjatya emphasized that this updated portrayal of ‘Prem’ would bring in a level of maturity and that creating this evolved character is an experiment that is taking a bit longer than expected.
He added that while the essence of ‘Prem’ will remain intact—focused on family, fun, and good-hearted mischief—the character will reflect a more mature perspective, fitting for the current phase of Salman’s career