In a swift move, Mumbai Police launched a search operation in West Bengal’s Nadia district on Monday, leading to the arrest of a woman linked to the shocking attack on Bollywood’s own Saif Ali Khan, sources told PTI.
The investigation found that the SIM card used by the Bangladeshi national, who was arrested earlier in Mumbai for the attack, was registered under the woman’s name. On Sunday, a two-member team from Mumbai Police arrived in West Bengal.
A woman was taken into custody by the Mumbai Police in Chapra, Nadia district, in connection with the Saif Ali Khan attack case. Authorities may request a transit remand to bring her to Mumbai, according to a West Bengal Police source.The woman, Khukhumoni Jahangir Sheikh, was acquainted with Shariful Fakir, the arrested Bangladeshi national. Fakir had entered India illegally via the India-Bangladesh border near Siliguri and later connected with her. She hails from Andulia in Murshidabad district, West Bengal.
On January 16, early in the morning, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times at his Bandra home in Mumbai. He was immediately taken to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent spinal and plastic surgery for his injuries. The actor was discharged from the hospital on January 21.