Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa 2’ has now completed 53 days at the box office and the business which the movie has made is no small feat. The film has beaten every other record of every other Indian film, except for that of Aamir Khan’s ‘Dangal’ – which is the highest grossing movie worldwide. ‘Pushpa 2’ has made around Rs 1232 crore net in India in all languages after it’s collection of day 53 of Rs 1 crore on its 8th Sunday was added.
Pushpa 2: The Rule Movie Review
Now at the worldwide box office, the worldwide gross collection of Pushpa 2, according to Sacnilk, is Rs 1738 crore. Thus, the film has beaten the record of ‘Baahubali 2’, ‘KGF 2’, ‘RRR’ and others. However, Aamir Khan’s ‘Dangal’ is still the highest grossing Indian movie with Rs 2040 crore gross worldwide. So, there’s still a huge difference and it may not be possible for the Allu Arjun starrer to beat Dangal as the collections have now begun to see a dip and reach its saturation point.
The film has now released its reloaded version is is giving some boost to the footfalls even on day 53. This reloaded version has more 20 minutes of footage. The Hindi version of the movie has done maximum business which is more than the Telugu version. Moreover, the Republic Day holiday did give some benefit to the movie.
Pushpa 2 also stars Rashmika Mandanna alongside Allu Arjun and is directed by Sukumar.