Bollywood power couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan were recently spotted stepping out in style with heightened security. The couple was spotted in casual yet chic attire, with Saif donning a blue shirt, jeans, and black sunglasses, while Kareena opted for a relaxed look, accessorized with a cap.
Meanwhile, the added security is a precautionary measure following the recent stabbing incident that shook the Pataudi family.
The incident occurred in the early hours of January 16 when Saif was stabbed multiple times by an intruder at his home.
According to Indian Express, a week after the attack, the actor provided a statement to the Mumbai police, recounting the harrowing ordeal. Saif revealed that he and Kareena woke up to the cries of their staff nurse, Eliyamma Philip, and son, Jehangir. Upon investigating the commotion, Saif confronted the intruder, who had entered their home unlawfully.
In his attempt to hold down the attacker, Saif was stabbed multiple times, forcing him to loosen his grip. The injuries, two of which were dangerously close to his spine, left him momentarily incapacitated, allowing the intruder to escape. The police have since arrested Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi national.
On the work front, Saif Ali Khan was last seen in the Jr. NTR starrer ‘Devara’ which unfortunately didn’t live up to expectations although the movie minted a decent amount at the box office.