Yesterday, Sanjay Leela Bhansali‘s Padmaavat turned 7. Released in 2018, the movie had its fair share of controversies before hitting the screen. Marred by that, many believe that the movie could not reach its full potential, but regardless, is known as one of the best period dramas of Bhansali.
Yesterday, a throwback pic featuring lead actors Shahid Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, and Ranveer Singh resurfaced on the net. In the pic, while Deepika was seen in a bright green salwar suit, Ranveer and Shahid were twinning in black. Along with them was Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and Viacom18 Studios’ Ajit Andhare. The pic was shared with the caption, “No film went through a trial like #Padmaavat. Our tallest film, not just by numbers but by how tall we stood together when the universe tested us. We prevailed. #SanjayLeelaBhansali @deepikapadukone @ranveersingh @shahidkapoor @sudhanshu1vats remembering you all.” Take a look…
Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat faced intense controversy and unprecedented challenges before its release, yet the filmmaker remained steadfast in his vision. In an honest conversation with ETimes, Bhansali reflected on the tumultuous journey behind the film, his unwavering commitment to his art, and the profound inspiration he found in Rani Padmavati‘s story. Talking about if Deepika was the first choice for the role, Bhansali said, “Absolutely! I can’t think of anyone other actress who could look so regal on screen and convey the same volume of intensity. Deepika was the perfect choice for the role.”
Talking about the threats to him and the crew before release Bhansali said, “Very honestly, I really don’t know where the strength came from. I guess it just comes to us when we need to be strong. I really don’t know how I got through this period. But after all of this, to have the film release finally in spite of all odds, and most importantly, to have audiences flocking see it in spite of the threats. I can’t tell you what a relief and joy it was.”
He added, “It was crazy. Through all of this, I was more worried about my mother and happy that she was with me. I don’t know how I would have survived without her at my side. She kept saying, ‘Mere bete ke saath aisa kyon ho raha hai? Woh itni achchi filmein banata hai’. My mother was my pillar of strength.”
Padmaavat is set to re-release in theatres on February 6.