Ananya Panday turned heads as she arrived at Sabyasachi’s 25th anniversary show, looking stunning in a chic black outfit that exuded elegance and grace. The young Bollywood star was spotted searching for her phone during the event, sparking curiosity among fans and leaving many wondering who she was planning to call.
The actress, known for her impeccable style, left a lasting impression with her glamorous look.
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Recently, she wowed fans with a dazzling photoshoot that showcased her versatility and charm. She was seen clad in a tube blouse and a silk handwoven veshti.
Actresses like Alia Bhatt, Sonam Kapoor also turned heads with their impressive style statements.
On the work front, Ananya was last seen in the web series Call Me Bae, a comedy-drama. The show, written by Ishita Moitra, Samina Motlekar, and Rohit Nair, and directed by Colin D’Cunha, follows the life of a wealthy fashionista navigating unexpected challenges. Ananya’s performance in the series was praised for its wit and relatability, further cementing her position as a rising star in the industry.
Meanwhile Ananya was also seen in the thriller ‘CTRL’. ETimes review for the film reads, “The film’s chic treatment and Pratik Shah’s cinematography keep viewers engaged.
Sneha Khanwalkar‘s electronic, industrial, and experimental soundtrack complements the movie’s vibrant yet edgy tone.Ananya Pandey gives a decent performance as Nalini ‘Nella’ Awasthi. From the cutesy college student to a diva and how her life eventually shapes up, the actress pulls off the gamut of her role well. Vihaan Samat delivers a good performance, too. While CTRL excels in depicting social media obsession and AI’s influence, its thriller parts are underdeveloped and don’t quite hit the mark. Despite thought-provoking themes and impressive visuals, it leaves viewers craving complexity and depth.”