Actor Shah Rukh Khan is set to receive a Rs 9 crore refund from the state due to a calculation mistake made by the Mumbai suburban collectorate when changing the lease of his sea-facing home, Mannat, to full ownership.
In 2001, Khan obtained the grade III heritage bungalow on a 99-year lease from the Bai Khorshed Bhanu Sanjana Trust. Since heritage laws restrict structural changes to the building, Khan constructed a multi-storey annexe behind the bungalow, which now serves as his family’s main residence.
The property was transferred to Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan through a registered agreement. Since the bungalow is on collector’s land, the state required a levy on unearned income, which is a percentage of the difference between the market price and the ready reckoner price.
In 2019, the Khans changed the ownership of their leased property from class 2 to full ownership (class 1), for which they paid a premium of Rs 27.5 crore. However, the premium was mistakenly calculated based on both the construction costs and the land value, instead of just the land value. The error was discovered by the Khans in September 2022, and Gauri Khan filed an appeal for a refund, which has now been approved.
Bagal mentioned that they are waiting for the official government order, after which the excess Rs 9 crore charged from Shah Rukh Khan will be refunded.