Krushna Abhishek, who enjoys buying pricey shoes and clothes, recently appeared on Archana Puran Singh’s YouTube channel, where she treated him to lunch. During their chat, Krushna explained how he started collecting shoes from luxury brands. Archana then shared that Krushna recently bought a 3 BHK apartment just for his clothes and shoes.
Krushna Abhishek shared with Archana Puran Singh that while growing up, he would wear his uncle Govinda’s clothes and even thought the fashion brand DnG was created by Govinda and filmmaker David Dhawan, combining their initials. He mentioned that back in college, he had no idea about brands, but Govinda would wear many high-end labels. Krushna wore DnG clothes for many years and assumed it was a brand created by his uncle and David Dhawan, given their close connection from several successful films together.
During the conversation, Krushna Abhishek revealed that he has built a whole collection of branded shoes and even bought a separate property to store them. He said he had turned the house into a boutique. Parmeet Sethi was surprised by this, and Archana Puran Singh added that Krushna had purchased a 3 BHK flat just for his clothes and shoes. Krushna smiled and mentioned that he shifts the collection every six months. Archana then joked that since her son Ayushmann is the same height as Krushna, he could take whatever he discards during the shift.