The ‘RRR’ star Ram Charan’s ‘Game Changer’ was initially announced in 2021, and since then, it has been one of the most highly awaited movies. After a few delays, the movie finally saw the light of the day on January 10, 2025. It had an impressive opening with Rs 51 crore business, but gradually the collection dropped for the movie right from day 2. According to the latest Sacnilk report, the movie minted only Rs 43 lakhs on Thursday, (Telugu), followed by 14 lakhs on Friday, taking its overall collection to Rs 87.63 crore in Telugu, and 129.01 crore in total.
However, business had been slow this week for almost every movie. Right from Monday, the movies competing against each other and with their own previous collections records, have seen a marginal dip. Ajay Devgn’s ‘Azaad’ ft. Aman Devgan and Rasha Thandani, which was released on January 17, went from ₹ 0.55 Cr on Wednesday to ₹ 0.42 Cr (early estimates) on Thursday. However, Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ has been minting a perfect crore since Tuesday; thus, enjoying the reigns at the box office.
Earlier in it’s review of the movie, ETimes wrote, “Ram Charan delivers a compelling performance in dual roles, seamlessly transitioning between the principled Ram Nandan and the rustic Appanna. As the central figure of the story, he carries the narrative with remarkable ease. While his portrayal of Ram Nandan is high on style and swag, it is his heartfelt performance as Appanna that truly resonates with the audience.
Kiara Advani, as Deepika, plays Ram Nandan’s love interest. Her character moderates Ram’s anger and inspires him to take up the IAS. While Ram and Kiara light up the screen, their love track feels somewhat clichéd. Anjali, as Parvathy, gets a meaty role as Appanna’s wife, championing his principles and cause. The emotional depth she brings to the story bolsters the film’s core.”