Priyanka Chopra, a globally celebrated star in Bollywood and Hollywood, has sparked excitement among fans with her arrival in India amid rumors of joining SS Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu’s much-anticipated film ‘SSMB29.’. Adding to the buzz, her mother, Madhu Chopra, shared a stunning photo of Priyanka exuding desi girl charm in a vibrant lehenga.
On January 24, Priyanka’s mother, Madhu Chopra, took to Instagram to share a stunning throwback picture of Priyanka from her Mehendi ceremony. In the vibrant and colorful lehenga, Priyanka is seen twirling joyfully, her radiant smile perfectly capturing the essence of the moment.
Sharing the picture, Madhu captioned the post, “Just super happy,” along with heart and evil eye emojis to express her emotions.
After her mother shared the post, Priyanka reacted with a laughing emoji in the comments, showing her playful side.
Reportedly, Priyanka is getting ready for her highly anticipated Bollywood comeback with ‘SSMB29.’.
‘SSMB29’ is set to be one of the most anticipated films of the decade, featuring a grand jungle adventure. Filming will start in 2025, with the first part scheduled for release in 2027 and the second part in 2029. The film aims to offer a unique cinematic experience for Indian audiences.