Bollywood’s beloved duo, Kartik Aaryan and Ananya Panday, are set to reunite in the much-anticipated romantic comedy Tu Meri Main Tera Main Tera Tu Meri. Directed by Satyaprem Ki Katha fame Sameer Vidhwans and produced under the banners of Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and Namah Pictures, the film is scheduled to go on floors in May 2025 and is slated for a grand release in 2026.
The announcement, made on Christmas Eve by filmmaker Karan Johar, has stirred significant excitement in Bollywood. Ever since its reveal, the casting speculation has kept fans and industry insiders buzzing. Initially, names like Janhvi Kapoor and Sharvari were in contention for the female lead. However, reports now confirm that Ananya Panday, who previously worked with Kartik in the 2019 hit Pati Patni Aur Woh, has been finalized for the role.
A source close to the production shared insights with Bollywood Hungama, stating that Kartik and Karan were keen on casting an actress who resonates with the youth. Reportedly after deliberating on several names, they locked Ananya as she shares undeniable chemistry with Kartik.
Interestingly, this is not the only project keeping Kartik busy. The actor is reportedly set to team up with Sharvari for Pati Patni Aur Woh 2. As per sources, Kartik has assured his female co-stars that he will work with them on projects tailored to highlight their talents. While Ananya headlines Tu Meri Main Tera Main Tera Tu Meri, Sharvari has been promised another romantic project by Kartik, scheduled to commence in late 2025.
With Tu Meri Main Tera Main Tera Tu Meri, fans can expect a fresh take on love and comedy, brought to life by Kartik and Ananya’s infectious energy and on-screen charm.