Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, currently out on an interim bail related to the Renukaswamy murder case, recently made an appearance at a special screening of his brother Dinakar Thoogudeepa‘s film, ‘Royal.’. The screening took place on January 21, 2025, and was a significant event for Darshan, who showcased an emotional side while watching the film alongside his wife and mother.
During the screening, Darshan was visibly moved and was seen wiping away tears as he sat next to his mother. After the event, he expressed his admiration for Dinakar and the entire cast.
Darshan, on social media, praised the cast and story, believing that the audience’s love would always be with Kannada cinema. On X (formerly Twitter), it was written in Kannada, which loosely translates to, “The trailer of ‘Royal,’ directed by Namma Dinkar, has just been released. Hoping that this film with a good cast and story will also be successful, I believe that your love and support for Kannada films will always be there. The same film will also come before you on January 24.
Actor Viraat, who stars in ‘Royal’ alongside Sanjana Anand, took to Instagram to thank Darshan for his support. He shared a picture with both Darshan and Dinakar, expressing how much their encouragement meant to him and the film.
His caption reads, “A big thanks to Darshan Thoogudeepa Shrinivas Sir and Dinakar Thoogudeepa Sir for all the support and kindness! Darshan Thoogudeepa Shrinivas Sir, your encouragement means the world to me and has given me so much strength and to our movie, Royal. Thank you for being awesome!”
The “Challenging Star” was granted interim bail on October 30, 2024, for medical reasons and received conditional bail on December 13. On the professional front, Darshan was previously working on ‘Devil: The Hero’ before his legal issues arose.