Javed Akhtar marked 50 years of Deewaar, co-written with Salim Khan. Before Deewaar, Amitabh Bachchan‘s career soared with Salim-Javed’s Zanjeer, rescuing him from a series of flops. On Kaun Banega Crorepati, Bachchan revealed he once considered quitting acting to drive an auto-rickshaw, but Zanjeer changed his life.
Rajesh Khanna, the superstar of that era, was initially considered for Zanjeer. However, writers Salim-Javed insisted on casting Amitabh Bachchan. Reflecting on how he got the role and later surpassed Khanna’s stardom, Bachchan shared that Zanjeer marked a turning point in his career. At the time, Khanna was immensely popular, with fans worshipping him to the extent of taking dirt from his car’s tyres as a blessing. Bachchan, then a struggling actor, didn’t expect to get the role, but Salim-Javed chose him, and that’s how Zanjeer changed his life.
Big B revealed that his performance in the film Bombay to Goa indirectly helped him land Zanjeer. Javed Akhtar noticed a particular scene where Bachchan, after being slapped by Shatrughan Sinha, remained calm and continued chewing his sandwich before a fight ensued. This moment convinced Akhtar that Bachchan could portray the intensity required for Zanjeer.
Bachchan also shared a memorable experience from his first day on the set of Zanjeer. He had to deliver a dialogue to Pran, a highly talented actor, which made him initially hesitant. However, Pran’s encouragement and supportive attitude helped Bachchan overcome his nervousness and proceed with the scene.