Saif Ali Khan is recovering at Lilavati Hospital after a violent knife attack during an attempted robbery at his Bandra residence on January 16. The intruder, identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, allegedly broke into the actor’s home in the early hours with the intent to steal. Saif sustained multiple injuries while intervening in a confrontation between the intruder and his housemaid, resulting in stab wounds to his thoracic spine.
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He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital for immediate treatment.
On Monday, Saif’s sister, Saba Ali Khan, visited him at the hospital and later shared an update on Instagram. Posting a photo of herself with a plaster on her hand, she reflected on the family’s resilience and expressed gratitude for Saif’s steady recovery. She wrote, “SO good to be back and spend time with bhai. Happy to see him stay positive and recover gradually and steadily during the past 2 days. While I didn’t realise I’d fractured my finger until recently… Glad to be with family! Always together.”
Dr. Nitin Dange, overseeing Saif’s treatment, stated earlier today that the actor would remain under observation for one more day instead of being discharged as initially planned.
Soha Ali Khan, Saif’s other sister, also addressed the media, expressing relief over his improving health. “We are happy that he is recovering well. We feel very blessed and grateful that it wasn’t any worse. Thank you for all your wishes,” she said during a recent event.
The incident has left fans and well-wishers deeply concerned, with many taking to social media to send prayers and support for the actor and his family. Authorities are investigating the attack, ensuring enhanced security at the actor’s residence.