Sanjay Dutt has been in contact with Saif Ali Khan‘s family ever since Saif was stabbed by an intruder at his Bandra home a few days ago. On Monday, Sanjay visited Lilavati Hospital to check on Saif and ask about his health. Pictures of his arrival at the hospital were shared online.
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Saif is currently recovering from multiple injuries. Dr Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital told the media that Saif Ali Khan will remain under observation for another day, and a decision about his discharge will be made in the next one or two days.
The attack occurred when an intruder, later identified as Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, entered Saif Ali Khan’s home with the apparent intention of stealing. Saif was stabbed in the thoracic spine while trying to intervene in a confrontation between the intruder and his housemaid.
The accused was arrested at Hiranandani Estate in Thane while trying to escape to his home village. The police revealed that he is from the Jhalokati district in Bangladesh. The incident took place around 2:00 AM on January 16, during which Saif Ali Khan suffered serious injuries, including multiple stab wounds to his thoracic spine.
According to the hospital administration, Saif Ali Khan is recovering well and has been moved from the ICU to a regular room. The surgery, which involved removing a 2.5-inch-long blade, was successful. While the actor is now “out of danger,” medical staff are keeping a close watch on his condition.
At an event, Saif Ali Khan’s sister, Soha Ali Khan, shared an update on his health with the media. She expressed relief, saying, “We are happy that he is recovering well, and we are very thankful. We feel blessed and grateful that it wasn’t any worse. Thank you for all your wishes.”