Often regarded as the ‘Queen’ of Bollywood, Kangana Ranaut on January 17 made it to the theatres with his highly awaited Hindi film ‘Emergency.’ Based on the events that unfolded during the emergency period in India in 1975, the movie was under the radar right from the word go. Kanagana’s solo directorial faced a lot of controversies from the day she announced the movie to the day she finally released it. However, it seems the controversies didn’t affect the true cinephiles and thus, within 3 days, Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ minted more than Rs.10 crores.
Before the release of the movie, there were mixed reports about the box office performance of the movie. Many analysts said the movie would not be able to leave a mark on the box office, while others disagreed. To the surprise of the former group, ‘Emergency’ opened with a decent number of Rs.2.5 crore on Friday, and thereafter, it also saw a rise in the business, according to the Sacnilk report. On day 2 the movie made Rs3.6 crore business, which was a 44 per cent increase from the previous day’s collection. On its first Sunday, i.e. day 4, the movie made Rs.4.35 crore and took the overall collection to Rs.10.45 crore.
With these numbers, Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ is leading the box office, leaving behind heavy-weight champions like ‘Game Changer.’ Starring Ram Charan, ‘Game Changer’ made an impressive opening with Rs 51 crore; however, after the first day, the business only witnessed a downhill. On Sunday the movie minted Rs. 2.50 crore. It was followed by ‘Azaad,’ featuring Rasha Thandhni and Aman Devgan. The movie made Rs. 1.85 crore. And then comes Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa 2,’ which after more than a month of theatrical release, made Rs. 1.18 core on Sunday.
In addition to Kangana, the cast of ‘Emergency’ features prominent actors like Anupam Kher as Jayaprakash Narayan, Shreyas Talpade as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Milind Soman as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. Further, there is Adhir Bhat as Feroze Gandhi and Vishak Nair as Sanjay Gandhi. Each actor has successfully portrayed these significant political figures, enhancing the film’s historical relevance.