Sonu Sood’s action-thriller Fateh, is experiencing a glimmer of hope at the box office with a significant 20% jump in collections on Saturday. The film, which revolves around the titular character played by Sonu himself, garnered Rs 33 lakh on its second Saturday, compared to Rs 27 lakh on Friday.
While the numbers may seem modest, this uptick indicates positive word-of-mouth and audience interest over the weekend.The film had a decent opening week, earning Rs 11.1 crore, and this steady growth on Saturday hints at a possibility of sustaining momentum during its second weekend.The jump in the collection could also be because of other new releases like Rasha Thadani and Amaan Devgan’s Azaad and Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency having very cold response from the audience.
Fateh also marks Sonu’s debut as a director , the film might have got mixed reviews but Sonu as a director, had got a lot of praise for his skills. Sonu had put together an international team of cinematographer like Vincenzo Condorelli and stunt directors like Federico Berte and Filip Ciprian Florian and music was given by Hans Zimmers and John Stewart Eduri. Fateh was the first release of the year and usually first releases of the year over the last 20 years have bombed at the box office. This year also saw release of Ram Charan’s Game Changer and even that failed to attract audience.
Sonu Sood will be next seen in Siddharth Anand’s Jewel Thief, which features Saif Ali Khan and Jaideep Ahlawat in the lead.