Rakesh Roshan directed and produced the 2000 hit ‘Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai’, which launched his son Hrithik Roshan‘s career in Bollywood. The film was a huge success and made Hrithik a superstar. However, soon after its release, Rakesh was shot in a shocking incident, leaving the family very upset.
In the new docu-series The Roshans, Rakesh Roshan opened up about the traumatic incident when he was shot.
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Overcome with emotion, he recalled, “Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai ke baare main news aati thi. Aaj yahan chal rahi, aaj wahan chal rahi hai. Aaj itna collection hua, aaj utna collection hua.”
He added, “Toh yeh sab cheezein used to overwhelm me. That was the reason that I came out of all this mess.”
Rakesh’s wife, Pinkie, shared her emotional struggle during a difficult time, stating, “It was a very, very difficult time. It was very hard to manage two different emotions at the same time.” His daughter, Sunaina, said, “Oh my God, Hrithik became a star overnight, and Dad was shot at. Both those things were unbelievable.” Rajesh Roshan mentioned, “He’s a very strong man. He was shot and bleeding, but he went to the police station and told them to catch the people who’d done it.”
In 2000, Rakesh Roshan was shot by assailants in broad daylight in Mumbai, just a week after the release of ‘Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai’, which marked Hrithik Roshan’s debut. Despite being hit by two bullets, Rakesh managed to drive himself to the hospital. The attack was believed to be linked to underworld activities.