Allu Arjun‘s ‘Pushpa 2’ has now completed 44 days at the box office and has enjoyed a run like none other. The movie has continued to bring in the money at the box office despite competition from many new movies in the past one month. Not to mention, the collection of ‘Pushpa 2’ was always more than its newer releases. However, surprisingly, two new movies on Friday – Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ and Rasha Thadani, Aaman Devgn’s ‘Azaad’ have done more business than ‘Pushpa 2’.
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On Day 44, the Allu Arjun starrer made around Rs 1 crore, according to Sacnilk. Thus, the total collection of ‘Pushpa 2’ now stands at 1225.7 crore at the domestic box office which is huge as it has crossed every possible record. Infact, the makers have now released the extended version of the film but that has not really reflected in the movie’s collection. As it has already made a whopping number.
Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Emergency’ has opened on day 1 at around Rs 2.35 Crore. The film was not released in Punjab hence, it may have faced the decrease in the number of screens and thus, the number.
‘Azaad’ directed by Abhishek Kapoor and seeing the debut of Rasha and Aaman has made Rs 1.5 crore on day 1.
The weekend numbers will further decide the fate of these movies, though as of now, the opening of both these movies is quite low.