Kangana Ranaut recently expressed her immense respect and admiration for Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing his recent meetings with Bollywood celebrities, including singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh and members of the Kapoor family. When asked if she felt left out for not being part of the meetings, Kangana responded, “What’s embarrassing about this?” She added that she doesn’t feel the need to be embarrassed about the PM meeting others, emphasizing that for him, “everybody is an equal in the janta.”
In a podcast with Shubhankar Mishra, Kangana criticized Diljit for his involvement in defending the farmers’ protest during the 2020-2021 Farm Bills controversy. Referring to Diljit, she said, “He was the main person. He was in the forefront defending those who were creating a ruckus.” Despite this, Kangana clarified that she wasn’t disappointed by the PM’s meeting with Diljit. She said, “I was not disappointed. In fact, I have never met him. Maybe I have met him once and said namaste but never interacted with him.”
Kangana mentioned her friends Anupam Kher and Manoj Muntashir, who had previously met the PM, but reiterated her desire to have a more substantial interaction with him in the future. She expressed that she would love to discuss art and artistes with the PM one day.
“You know I am a big fan of the Prime Minister and I would want to interact with him and exchange notes with him and have a very insightful discussion about what he thinks about the arts,” she explained.
The actor-turned-politician, who is a BJP MLA from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, had a brief meeting with PM Modi during her 2024 Lok Sabha campaign in Mandi. Currently, Kangana is promoting her film Emergency, which was released on January 16 after facing multiple delays due to protests by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC). The film, directed by Kangana, features Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Vishak Nair, and the late Satish Kaushik.