Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder with a knife during an alleged burglary at his home in Bandra early on January 16, 2025. The incident has alarmed the film community, with Pooja Bhatt expressing her feelings of insecurity and calling for more police presence in the area. Raveena Tandon also raised concerns about rising crime targeting celebrities in what used to be a safe neighborhood.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
Khan is recovering after emergency surgery and is currently stable, while police are investigating the attack.
Raveena Tandon expressed her concerns on Instagram about rising crime in Bandra, stating that the area, once considered safe, has seen an increase in incidents like phone and chain snatching, land grabbing, and other criminal activities. She called for stronger enforcement to ensure public safety and wished Saif Ali Khan a speedy recovery. She wrote, “Targeting celebrities and soft targets in what used to be a safe residential area has become rampant, with bandra losing out to unruly elements, accident scams, hawker mafia, encroachers, land grabbers and criminal elements racing on bikes phone and chain grabbing. Need stronger measures. Wishing you a speedy recovery. #saif”.
Earlier today, Pooja Bhatt expressed her concern on X (formerly Twitter) regarding the recent attack on Saif Ali Khan, urging for increased police presence in Bandra. She stated, “Can this lawlessness please be curbed @MumbaiPolice @CPMumbaiPolice. We need more Police presence in Bandra. The city & especially the queen of the suburbs, have never felt so unsafe before. Kind Attn @ShelarAshish @mieknathshinde @AjitPawarSpeaks @Dev_Fadnavis.”
In another post, Pooja wrote, “Local police are our first preventers/grass root defenders. It is law enforcements duty to create an environment in which people with a criminal bent do not feel comfortable to operate. The beat officer must act as a deterrent in preventing criminal activity.”