Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his house in Mumbai which is the Satguru Sharan building in Bandra. This was due to a burglary attempt at his house and reportedly, he was stabbed six times. The actor is safe as he was rushed to the hospital immediately and underwent a surgery. Meanwhile, the family had issued a statement which read, “There was an attempted burglary at Mr Saif Ali Khan’s residence.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
He is currently in hospital undergoing a surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It is a police matter. We will keep you updated on the situation.”
It was also confirmed in the statement that Kareena Kapoor Khan and the kids Taimur and Jeh are safe. Meanwhile, now, a video of Kareena from last night has gone viral as it is shared by IANS. The actress can be seen in her pyjamas as she’s talking to the staff in the house. According to reports, it was a nanny staying in their house who spotted an intruder who barged into the house. Saif was asleep when this happened but as he came out to see what the commotion was all about, a fight happened between the burglar and Saif. Thus, he stabbed the actor.
See more: Saif Ali Khan Health Live Update: Actor rushed to hospital after being stabbed 6 times in attempted robbery at Bandra house
As an FIR was filed at the Bandra police station, an investigation on the matter has already begun. Mumbai police officer, Daya Nayak was spotted arriving at Saif’s house. Meanwhile, DCP Dixit Gedam has given a statement to the media. He was quoted by IANS, “Late last night, around 3 AM, information came in that actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at a station. A police team was dispatched to the scene, and an investigation is currently underway.”
Saif is currently recovering at the Lilavati hospital.