Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked at his Bandra residence in Mumbai in the early hours of today (January 16) in an apparent robbery attempt. The actor sustained severe injuries and was rushed to hospital for treatment, where he underwent surgery. Following the incident, Lalita D’Silva, former nanny to Taimur Ali Khan, reportedly expressed deep concern, stating that it was shocking to imagine how Taimur and Jeh might be feeling right now.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
She was particularly worried about the younger one, Jeh, and wanted the attacker to be punished.
In an interview with Pinkvilla, Lalita D’Silva further elaborated that the children must have been really scared, which made her even more anxious about the tragic incident. She expressed a desire for the culprits to be punished and mentioned that she had not been able to contact or speak to anyone from the family yet. “I wish and pray that they are all safe,” she stated.Following the surgery, Saif was placed in the intensive care unit (ICU) for monitoring. Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of the hospital, stated that the decision regarding further treatment would be made the following day. Dr. Uttamani confirmed that Saif’s condition was stable and that he was making progress in his recovery. According to ANI, a 2.5-inch piece of a knife had been removed from Saif’s spine during the surgery.
CCTV footage from the scene showed the suspect using the staircase during the attack. The police have formed 10 teams to investigate the case, with the authorities confirming that it was an attempted robbery. A case has been filed at the Bandra Police Station. In response to public concerns, Saif’s team issued a statement clarifying that he had injured his arm but was receiving medical care at the hospital. They reassured fans that the rest of the family was unharmed and in good health.