Ranbir Kapoor and his daughter Raha Kapoor had an adorable evening together on Tuesday at a private sports ground in Mumbai. The doting father was seen playing with Raha, who looked cute in a white shirt and pants. She ran around happily, tagging Ranbir as he cheered her on.
At one point, Raha tripped and fell but quickly got back up. Ranbir immediately picked her up and comforted her, rubbing her knee gently before they continued their playful time together. Ranbir Kapoor’s softer, more expressive side has become evident since Raha’s arrival, and his love for his daughter knows no bounds. The two then shared smiles and their an animated conversation captured the essence of a beautiful father-daughter bond.
Alia Bhatt was also at the ground. While Ranbir and Raha enjoyed their time together, Alia Bhatt focused on honing her pickleball skills. Dressed casually in a white top and shorts, Alia was seen intently playing the game with friends.
The Kapoor family recently returned from a New Year’s vacation in Thailand. Shaheen Bhatt shared glimpses of their trip on Instagram, with Raha Kapoor stealing the spotlight in several candid frames. Alia also posted a heartfelt selfie from the getaway, capturing a moment where Ranbir kissed her cheek while Raha’s curious expression added charm to the photo.
On the work front, Ranbir and Alia will star together in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love & War alongside Vicky Kaushal. Ranbir will also feature in Nitesh Tiwari’s epic Ramayana, while Alia is set to lead the sci-fi thriller Alpha.