Veer Pahariya, who is set to make his Bollywood debut in Akshay Kumar’s Sky Force, took an emotional step before the film’s release by meeting the family of the brave soldier who inspired his role. Ahead of his debut, Veer visited the family of late Squadron Leader Ajjamada B Devayya, who was posthumously awarded the Mahavir Chakra for his extraordinary bravery. This visit left him deeply moved, and his heartfelt note about the experience left Janhvi Kapoor emotional as well.
Veer, the brother of Shikhar Pahariya (Janhvi’s boyfriend), has been preparing for his role as ‘Tabby’ in Sky Force for the past three and a half years. The actor poured his heart out in a touching message after meeting the family in Bengaluru, including Mrs. Sundari Devayya, the 90-year-old wife of the legendary hero, along with their daughters, Smitha and Preetha.
In his post, Veer shared, “It is difficult to put into words the emotions I felt today after meeting Mrs. Sundari Devayya, the wife of Squadron Leader Ajjamada B Devayya, and their daughters. For years, I have immersed myself in the life and heroism of this extraordinary man, but hearing personal stories from his family left me humbled.” He described Mrs. Devayya’s quiet strength and enduring love, even at 90, as something that “transcends time,” and shared how their daughters spoke with pride about their father’s courage and kindness.
Veer expressed how the meeting moved him to tears, highlighting the resilience and sacrifice of the Devayya family. “Today, I was in tears in the face of their resilience and immense sacrifice, yet overwhelmingly proud to be a part of bringing his story to the world through Sky Force,” he wrote. He described the legacy of Squadron Leader Devayya not just as one of bravery, but also of the profound love and strength that lived on in his family.
Veer ended his note with gratitude toward the Devayya family, stating, “I hope to make them and every single Indian proud with Sky Force. This meeting will stay with me forever, serving as a reminder of the deep cost of heroism and the unyielding spirit of those who carry its torch.”
Janhvi, deeply touched by Veer’s emotional reflection, shared his post on her Instagram Story, expressing her admiration with heartfelt emojis.