Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, renowned for his iconic portrayal of Shaktimaan, recently clarified a misunderstanding regarding his statements about Amitabh Bachchan and Tiger Shroff. Khanna explained that his words were misquoted in relation to Bachchan and Shroff, and he referred to Tiger as “his child” during the clarification.
In a recent interview with Hindi Rush, Khanna recounted an old moment when, at Patna airport, the media questioned him about a buzz surrounding Ravi Chopra’s ‘Mahabharata‘ featuring Amitabh Bachchan as Bhishma Pitamah. The media seemed eager for Khanna’s opinion, anticipating his remarks would generate buzz. He recalled being asked whether Bachchan could successfully take on the role. Khanna responded, “Maine kaha suna maine bhi” (“I said, yes, I heard that”), and the journalists pressed him, “Sir kar payenge?” (“Will he be able to do it?”). Khanna stated that he doesn’t usually offer audio bites lasting more than two seconds but was unable to escape the situation due to a wall behind him.
He clarified, “Maine kaha kar lenge, bahut ache actor hain, bahut kaam kiya hai, bahut ache role kiye, alag alag role kiye. Gabbar Singh kar chuke hain, abhi recently, to ye bhi kar lenge” (“He can, he is a big actor who has done many roles”). He further emphasized that this was not intended to be a negative comment, contrary to how it was later reported.Khanna also addressed comments he made about actor Tiger Shroff, whom he referred to as “bachcha” (“child”). He explained, “Arey sahab, main bol raha hoon ki vo bachcha hai, matlab mere liye to bachcha hi hai, aur vo kisi bachchon ko sikhayega to bachche bolenge, ‘Arey aao na, baith ke idhar baith, gilli danda khelte hain… unki baat samjhenge’,” noting that he saw Tiger as a younger figure in his life.
The actor also mentioned how the press twisted his words, making it seem like he had insulted Tiger. Reflecting on the situation, he concluded by expressing that he chooses to laugh off such controversies and reiterating that he has no agenda against anyone.