Priyamani recently went viral for sharing her reaction to online trolling. The actress has faced body shaming, comments about her skin color, and was even called ‘old’ and ‘black’ by trolls. She opened up about the negativity she endured and her response to it.
In a throwback interview with Bollywood Bubble, Priyamani shared how trolls criticised her appearance, especially when she posted pictures without makeup. They called her “old” and said she looked like an “aunty” without makeup. In response, she confidently asserted that she is comfortable with her look and doesn’t need to change for others’ approval. At 38, she still feels confident and refuses to let negative comments affect her.
The actress expressed that she’s unfazed by the negative reactions she receives and encouraged people to mature. She emphasized that her life is her own, and she doesn’t owe explanations to anyone except her parents and fiancé. She proudly embraces her identity and remains comfortable in her own skin.
As this old pience of interview went viral, one social media user wrote, ‘Good for her! Great to see her respond to troll so strongly’, another one added, ‘Well, she isn’t wrong; she is hot. Anyone who thinks otherwise, excuse me’.