The film Swatantrya Veer Savarkar, based on the life of revolutionary freedom fighter Veer Savarkar, has been officially included in the list of contenders for the Oscars 2025 from India. Starring and produced by Jay Patel, who plays Shyamji Krishna Varma, the movie will compete with other Indian films like Kanguva, The Goat Life, Santosh, All We Imagine as Light, Girls Will Be Girls, and Putul.
Jay Patel expressed his excitement and pride about the film being recognized globally. “It’s an incredible feeling and a true representation of the hard work, dedication, and performances of the entire team. When your work is appreciated globally, it brings a happiness that surpasses even box office success. Representing India on such a prestigious platform is a proud and humbling experience,” said Patel.
The film, directed by and starring Randeep as Veer Savarkar, opened the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa last year. It has been praised for its gripping story and powerful performances.
Patel also shared how Randeep worked tirelessly as the actor, writer, and debut director of the film. “I couldn’t be prouder of him. Randeep lost significant weight to portray Savarkar, endured rigorous physical challenges on set—including fasting and even fainting—and yet, his perseverance never wavered. Even during his wedding in Manipur, Randeep continued to work relentlessly, taking calls from the editor and contributing his insights,” he revealed.
He added, “99% of the credit goes to Randeep. As the writer, debut director, and actor, his vision brought this masterpiece to life. The way he appreciated my portrayal of Shyamji Krishna Varma when we watched the film together left me mesmerized.”
Calling Swatantrya Veer Savarkar more than just a movie, Patel said, “This movie is not just a cinematic achievement but a lesson in history and resilience. It’s a gift to the new generation and proves that with determination, no obstacle is insurmountable. Swatantrya Veer Savarkar truly deserves every major award in the world.”
The movie features a strong cast, including Ankita Lokhande, Rajesh Khera, Amit Sial, and Lokesh Mittal.