Rishab Shetty‘s directorial debut, ‘Kirik Party‘, became a great success in 2016, and the movie marked Rashmika Mandanna’s entry into the showbiz, alongside Rakshit Shetty, Samyuktha Hegde, and Achyuth Kumar. Recently, the film celebrated its eighth anniversary, and Rishab shared a nostalgic post on social media. However, his post stirred the internet as he did not mention Rashmika’s name, sparking speculation of a potential fallout between them.
ಕಿರಿಕ್ ಪಾರ್ಟಿ ನಮ್ಮ ಜೀವನದ ಭಾಗವಾಗಿ 8 ವರ್ಷಗಳು ಕಳೆದಿವೆ,
ಅನೇಕ ಸುಂದರ ನೆನಪುಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರೀತಿ ಈ ಪಯಣವನ್ನು ಅರ್ಥಪೂರ್ಣವನ್ನಾಗಿಸಿವೆ.
ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬೆಂಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ಹೃತ್ಪೂರ್ವಕ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು.8 years ago, a journey began that touched hearts and created countless memories.
Here’s to your love and support… pic.twitter.com/67ehO9dnOz— Rishab Shetty (@shetty_rishab) December 30, 2024
Rishab’s brother, actor Rakshit, was previously engaged to Rashmika, and the couple called off their engagement a year later.On December 27, Rishab took to his X account (formerly Twitter) to commemorate the special occasion, posting the film’s poster and writing, “8 years ago, a journey began that touched hearts and created countless memories. Here’s to your love and support that made #KirikParty so special. Thank you so much, maga @rakshitshetty for this unforgettable journey.”
Soon, Rashmika’s fans started commenting on the absence of her name in the post, and many wondered whether the two still harboured negative feelings towards each other, particularly in light of Rashmika’s broken engagement with Rakshit.
One social media user wrote, “Although it was not fair of some people to diss her because she broke her engagement with Rakshit Shetty. It was sad for the fans, but it’s their life. They moved on, and the healthy thing they could have done was move on from it too.” Meanwhile, another reacted, “Without Rashmika, this movie would have been a below-average watch.”
One of the Twitter users commented, “Bro intentionally ignored someone,” while another claimed, “Nobody in Karnataka cares about their breakup. People dislike her because she acts snooty towards Kannada and Karnataka people. It’s rude when all people gave her was love. Get your facts right.”
Rashmika and Rakshit met during the making of ‘Kirik Party’ in 2016, and they got engaged in July 2017, with Rashmika being 21 and Rakshit, 34 at the time. However, by September 2018, the engagement ended, although both actors have since expressed mutual respect for each other, keeping the details of their split private.