Amitabh Bachchan’s impeccable screen presence in Nag Ashwin’s mega-hit ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ in 2024 thrilled fans worldwide, and now the filmmaker has revealed how tense he was after the actor suffered a minor injury on set while shooting a high-octane action scene in the sci-fi action movie. He stated that the whole of India would scold them if something bad happened to Big B.
In a recent interview with journalist Prema on her YouTube channel, Nag Ashwin shared how he persuaded Bachchan to act in this high-action-oriented film.He stated that Big B always has a child in his heart and loves action movies. He called the great actor the ‘OG (original)’ action hero of India and said the idea of a little action excited him.
Ashwin further added that the ‘Sholay’ actor found the narration challenging and special as he took that leap of faith. He approached both Bachchan and Prabhas at the same time for the movie.
The filmmaker further recalled the frightening moment when Amitabh got injured on set. “When he had that catch, we didn’t know what to do. We were like ‘India is going to scold us now’, and all of us were scared. But yeah, Bachchan sir knew what it takes,” Nag stated. The veteran actor had body doubles and all the necessary safety procedures were followed for his role, but he wanted to make it look perfect and real.
Ashwin also shared fascinating insights into interactions between Bachchan and Prabhas on set. He revealed that Bachchan often reminisces about action sequences from his prime, recounting stories of daring stunts and the injuries he endured. These conversations between the two icons about their experiences with action sequences left Ashwin and others on set in awe of their dedication and legacy.
‘Kalki 2898 AD’ also starred Deepika Padukone and Kamal Haasan in the lead roles. The movie earned over Rs 1,000 crore at the global box office and is all set to get a sequel in the coming years.