Bollywood’s beloved couple, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif, once again melted hearts with their adorable chemistry. In a video shared by ETimes, Vicky Kaushal showcased his impeccable gentlemanly side as he patiently waited for his wife, Katrina Kaif, to step out of the car during their recent spotting at Mumbai airport. The couple, fresh from their winter vacation in the UK, returned to the city on the morning of December 28, 2024.
The video quickly went viral, with fans praising Vicky for his respectful and caring demeanor. The sight of him standing by the car, ensuring Katrina had all the time she needed, further cemented their image as one of Bollywood’s most ideal couples.The couple had been enjoying a serene getaway in the British wildlands, making the most of their Christmas holidays with close family and friends. Katrina had shared glimpses of their picturesque retreat on Instagram, giving fans a peek into their cozy winter vacation.
One of the photos showed Katrina looking radiant in a black beanie, oversized black jacket, and thermal wear, her plump skin glowing against the chilly backdrop. Another endearing snap featured the couple twinning in black as Katrina hugged Vicky from behind, capturing the warmth and love they share amid the cold winter weather.Fans of the duo, lovingly called “VicKat,” couldn’t stop gushing over the viral video and the vacation pictures. Many took to social media to express their admiration for Vicky’s respectful gestures and the couple’s evident bond.Vicky and Katrina have consistently set relationship goals since tying the knot in December 2021.
On the work front Vicky was last seen in ‘Bad Newz’. ETimes review for the movie reads, “In the laugh riot that comes after Good Newwz (2019), Saloni Bagga dreams of culinary stardom and resists her mother’s marriage pressure until a whirlwind romance and marriage with Akhil Chaddha (Vicky Kaushal). While she craves career glory, her husband longs for a family, as his carefree attitude creates friction in their relationship. An incident throws her dreams and job into disarray, forcing them to acknowledge their incompatibility.